Many businesses face challenges during the processing, storage and transport of materials, including minimizing product losses, reducing vapor emissions, decreasing the risk of explosions and/or keeping operating pressures close to the maximum allowable tank pressure.

One key to reducing such challenges is a quality tank hatch. Tank hatches can be used for bulk storage silos, grain elevators, baghouses for cement, food products, grain and industrial products.

They provide venting when adding and removing product from storage silos or other structures. In addition, hatches enable access to the tanks and silos if an employee has to enter to clean or inspect the structure. They feature a large, 24-inch opening for access. A weather hood provides protection from environmental elements, and there are no internal components that may contaminate the product.

Other specifications include: stand-off extension tube, flanged matching-bolt pattern for easy installation, stainless-steel construction that withstands harsh environments, minimal effect on air flow rate, and the internal configuration allows air flow while protecting the PRV hatch.

KC Supply sells a variety of tank hatches and also is the only Knappco authorized repair facility in the United States for Knappco tank hatches. Our Knappco factory-authorized repair center employs factory-trained repair personnel and specialized testing equipment. We can disassemble and clean spring assemblies as well as reassemble and test Knappco tank hatches to factory specifications.

Whether you need to repair your current Knappco tank hatches or purchase a new one, call your tank hatch experts at KC Supply, 800.527.8775 or 800.KC.SUPPLY, or visit