Grain bin safety and the usage of grain bin rescue tubes are concepts that do not often get the necessary precautions they need. Five years ago, there had been 38 documented entrapments in grain bins. In 2017 alone, there were 23-grain entrapment cases as well as nine falls into or from grain storage units. There were even cases of asphyxiations due to toxic surroundings and insufficient oxygen levels.
Numerous things can go wrong when working with grain storage, and that is precisely why Nationwide began the annual Grain Bin Safety Week.
Grain Bin Safety from Nationwide
Nationwide collaborates annually with the biggest industry leaders in agriculture, numerous professionals, and safety experts. KC Supply, which has its own line of grain bin rescue tube varieties, is one of the partners of Nationwide, committed to ensuring the health and safety of agricultural professionals across the country. Together, they launched Grain Bin Safety Week. The event highlights the possible risks and dangers of working around grain storage and the importance of proper safety practices around them.
In conjunction with Grain Bin Safety Week, Nationwide launched the Nominate Your Fire Department Contest which allows farmers and grain handlers from 26 states to nominate their local fire department. Selected fire departments will receive a grain bin rescue tube for their use, as well as all the proper training necessary to use it. This allows the fire department to be fully prepared in case of any more cases and incidents regarding grain bin storage and the workers around it.
This Year’s Winners
For 2019, 34 fire departments have won their own rescue tubes as well as training to receive it. Fire departments from New Jersey to Pennsylvania won the tubes.
Both Nationwide and KC Supply wholeheartedly congratulate the winners and are urging farmers and handlers all over the industry to continue promoting proper grain bin safety procedures.
To learn more about grain bin safety and other necessary equipment, head to and find further valuable information.